SLUCH System – mine shaft condition monitoring system
Mine shaft condition Digital Inspection
The system for monitoring of the smoothness of the conveyance movement and the emergency repair signaling system Sluch is designed to collect and analyze data from acceleration sensors, pressure and control of the rope inlet mounted on the conveyance during its movement along the shaft in real-time, and also for coordinating the actions of the technological personnel located on or in the conveyance and the operator of the mine hoisting machine during the operations for the transportation of people, inspection and repair work in the shaft.
What you will get using SLUCH System
- skip shaft safe operating management,
- headframe productivity boosting,
- reduced participation of operating personnel in the process of the shaft condition visual monitoring.
In the standard execution, the System SLUCH is a local system, not integrated and does not affect the control system of the hoisting machine.
Standart System Functionality
- continuous collection of data on the characteristics of the movement of the conveyance along the guides of the mine shaft – measuring the magnitude and direction of the linear accelerations of the conveyances characterizing the magnitude of the force acting of the conveyance on the guides during its movement along the shaft;
- calculation of the location of the conveyance in the shaft according to the absolute encoder data;
- recording parameters of the radio channel at any point throughout the entire depth of the shaft with reference to its marks;
- creating a database for analyzing the results of monitoring, generating graphical reports for analyzing deviations in the state of shaft bunton and tight steelwork of the shaft and preventing emergency situations with the possibility of comparing conditions at specified time intervals;
- determination of places required for a detailed examination by personnel when performing repair and audit work;
- pressure measurement in the hydraulic system of the conveyance (upon availability) and calculation of the mass of the raised ore;
- the ability to display on the operator’s console warning and emergency messages about exceeding the specified thresholds of the dynamic effect of the conveyance on the rigid guides of the shaft;
- processing the obtained results with the binding of the acceleration values to the location of the conveyance in the shaft with the construction of graphs and diagrams;
- two-way communication between personnel located on the conveyance and the operator of the hoisting machine;
- giving from the conveyance to the driver of running commands, signals for emergency stop of the hoisting machine or blocking of movement;
- continuous registration of equipment operation with event archiving with the ability to view events at the client station;
- automated continuous monitoring of digital and wireless communication lines between devices included in the equipment, and the issuance of messages in case of its absence;
- signalling the presence of faults in the system;
- the ability to exchange data with the control system of the hoisting machine via digital interfaces and using relay signals;
- the ability to quickly change the system configuration from the client station if you have the necessary access rights (inclusion/exclusion of sensors, communication devices, etc.);
- management of access rights for specialists to the system with fixing personnel actions;
- contact issuance for emergency braking control circuit at unacceptably high values of the accelerations of the conveyance when moving along the shaft;
- contact issuance for the emergency braking control circuit of the hoisting machine, when the sensors installed on the conveyance identify the primary signs of an accident (skip coming out of the rails) in real-time;
- transferring of measured values to the computer complex on the surface in real-time when the conveyance moves along the shaft.
Design features of the system
- low power consumption of equipment placed on a conveyance, and a sufficiently large battery life with minimal dimensions of an autonomous power source;
- reliable operation with high humidity and dust in the shaft, as well as the presence of aggressive substances in the composition of dust or moisture (equipment installed on skips has a degree of protection of at least IP65);
- work at sites hazardous to mine gas and (or) coal dust;
- limited free space on the conveyance necessary for equipment;
- ensuring the transfer from the conveyance of auxiliary information necessary for the Customer;
- the ability to work in the shaft of several sets.
Additional Features
The ability to expand the functions of the System SLUCH :
- wire ropes condition monitoring, determining the location of defects (bursting of wire ropes, reducing the diameter of the wire rope);
- a weight measurement of ore lifted in the skip;
- controlling the complete unloading of the skip;
- other functions at the request of the customer.
Operation conditions and main technical characteristics:
- area of application – UHL, application category according to GOST 15150-69: 1,4, 5
- ambient temperature: -40 °C to + 40 °C
- permissible air dust content: up to 2500 mg / m³
- permissible relative humidity (at 25 ° C): up to 100%
- rated supply voltage: 220 V AC, 12 V DC
- operating frequency range: 2,4002 … 2,4785 GHz
- maximum radiated power of the transceiver: 100 mW
- the sensitivity of the receiver: -106 dBm
- transmission range at the speed in the radio channel is 125 kbit / s: not less than 1500 m
- IP degree of protection by housing: IP65
- battery life on a fully charged battery: at least 130 hours
- range of linear acceleration measurements: ± 14g
- measuring a range of inclination angle: ± 15 °