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Sluch system has passed tests on the hoisting machine of the shaft 4RU

Sluch system has passed tests on the hoisting machine of the shaft 4RU

Sluch system has passed tests on the lifting machine of the shaft of 4 Production Unit.

The system for monitoring of the smoothness of the conveyance movement and the emergency repair signaling system Sluch was tested on a hoisting machine of the shaft of the 4Production Unit.

It was installed and was worked on the hoisting Mashine СSH in the shaft three for a month. Thesystemgeneratedreports indicating the defective locations of the guide shafts, which were subsequently confirmed by a natural examination. As the chief engineer of the 4 Production Unit D.M. Isakov noted, the system has proved itself well.

As of now the Sluch system is being transferred to the MK hoisting machine of the shaft No. 3 of the 4 Production Unitto continue testing.
